Poetry in Essence
A Personal Poetry Collection (et belle Café Accoutrement)

These Things Which Are Bigger Than Us

The clouds

They move slowly and with purpose

But I don't mind

I don't mind that there are names

For life that human mouths are beyond pronouncing

Too deep, too profound

That thing which is bigger than anything our minds may grasp

Bigger than the flesh

That traps the power within that moves and stirs without explanation

How can I pronounce the name of grand energies that move clouds that belong to God?

When its name is the whisper of dawn

And brushes through trees and rustling of leaves

Of footsteps in the sand and spumescent tides against the shore

Of peeling away skin to wash away lovers who say goodbye

Its names is the moon borrowing light from the sun

Sounds like the loving glance between lovers who say hello

And seething anger of broken hearts

It is the realm we can not see

Until we break from our fleshy shells of simplicity

And learn the secrets once so guarded by the Watch Towers

They then give us the name we so rightfully deserve

The sound of hair cascading like angel faces in breeze

And pebbles along the tracks of silver roads that go on forever

The crackle of lights losing its power but finding it again

And golden peace in sacred silence

Frozen lakes and magical voices when no one is speaking

And peace be still when prayers enter through the gates of heaven and

Angels of the heart

Our new names: it is the sound of children we love

And the softness of watching them sleep

And most of all

When we know God is alive in all we know,

and what we see,

and what we touch



I love the writing - so pure and fine, a beauty, divine.

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Somniay Bascomb

Somniay Bascomb
Such a Poetic Diva
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Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. My personal collection of poetry brings a sense of peace to my sometimes chaotic life. I very seldom allow strangers to enter such a private place- a place where I bare my soul. I hope you accept this rare invitation to tour my inner most secrets... in poetry form. So by all means, stay for awhile. Read some poetry. Play a silly game or two. Gaze at some extremely cute puppies. lol Enjoy yourself.

About Somniay

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Houston, TX, United States
Somniay is a well educated writer, Registered PhT, and business owner who poetically describes her racial background as, "An amalgamated mixture of contraindicated heritages." The last of 14 children, Somniay moved to New York City in 1998 where she joined the Gotham Writing School to improve her writing abilities. After returning to her southern roots in Texas, she began attending college where she achieved a degree in Science and later, Pharmacy. Somniay is currently enjoying a life of traveling the U.S. with her Navy veteran husband, David and their three children.